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Not Red and Blue but Purple!

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” –Ghandi. We want the world to change but yet we sit around and type hate messages to the future leader of our nation. We expect to hold another man accountable for being the face of our future but the truth is we cannot change anyone but ourselves. I sit here as a woman of Mexican, French, Russian, and Polish decent but I am American. I was born in this country where my ancestors believed their future children would have a place of freedom. In these hard times we must spread positivity, stick together, and be the change we wish to see on this planet.

I have been reading messages and watching videos of people saying how do I explain what is going on to my child about the man on the screen yelling hate. I agree, how do we explain that? We do not explain the situation by saying he is an evil man. We should be teaching our children compassion. Hate plus hate does not equal love. When people are angry there is a deeper reason for it. Think back to a time when you screamed hate at someone. We were scared and felt like there was no better way but there is. We are strong! We know that if we take a person’s hand and show them love that there will be a light that is turned on within. It is time to be positive and not sulk in fear. We need each other to move forward.

Whether you were with her or glad to be with him, we are one nation under God. We will stay strong if we stick together. Big Brother aka the government and the one percenters want us fighting. If we are lashing out at each other or continue to post negativity – then we are not looking for a solution. It is time to form that third party. The party that sees we all have differences but we can meet in the middle. My wonderful Republican grandfather use to always say “There is no black and white, but many shades of grey.” The U.S should not be blue and red but many shades of purple! I know our people are not racist women haters. We are loving people who need someone to hold our hands and say hey we are going to be okay.

We can be angry but we will not change the world by living in anger and fear. Before we go off and say something negative about our world how about rephrasing our statement to one with substance. We want change, then lets be change! Let us smile at the next brother or sister we see and say hey I love you, you are worthy! Let us hug the next new person we meet with open arms. We are the face of our country, not the president. We cannot change his face, but we can change ours.

Only time can tell what will come of the results of this election. I pray it unites us to be brave together. Despite what the majority of your social media feed might say - it is a great time to be an American! Women have a right to vote, our children can play in the playground together, and we can say what we want! Do not be discouraged! Let us stay strong, hopeful, and purple! I love you all. I truly do hope we can unite and keep moving forward. We will never be done fighting for a bright tomorrow.

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